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 Roleplaying Rules

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Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-03-11
Age : 34
Location : Canada

Roleplaying Rules Empty
PostSubject: Roleplaying Rules   Roleplaying Rules Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2010 4:53 am

With Roleplaying comes a vast majority of rules. The rules are rules ALL Roleplayers play by. When you Roleplay, remember the key components of the rules. I have been Roleplayng for Eight-Nine years now, and these Rules stick after the first two months of beginning to Roleplay. I advise that you ALL respect them, Honor them, Follow them, and never break them.

With this, You will earn the respect around you, from your peers.

Rules For Roleplayers:

No Mary Sues, God Modding, or Meta-Gaming

I do not know how many times I have to stress this rule. You are not god, You are not Raptor jesus, HELL YOU ARE NOT WEEGEE! Just to clarify these terms, I offer you a small vocabulary lesson:

God Modding: The term god modding comes from roleplaying. God modding is creating a character who is of an invincible nature and can do anything. God modders are also infamous for bunnying other characters' actions.

Mary-Sues: The other type of Mary Sue is a character intended to be an ideal match for another, appearing almost exclusively in fanfics. In this case, "ideal match" means that the character's positive traits are exaggerated to render impossible any competition for the love interest. Arguably more pernicious than the "self-idealization" type, the "ideal match" type by its very nature prevents compelling character or plot development, which the "self-ideal" Mary Sue may be able to avoid.

Meta-Gaming: Usually refered to AS being an Elitest. An Elitist is usually someone who has their head so far up their ass they don't think their shit stinks anymore. They tend to assume EVERYONE has to be perfect at Grammer, Spelling and sor forth. They tend to nag and are usually well known as Grammer -natzi's [[The zombies of the Role-play world, but not as epic.. think of C.O.D Natzi Zombies... Yea!]].

No One Liners

Unfortunatly, I have to bare bad news. We are a bit pushy when it comes to roleplaying. We ask you do not do one liners. We understand you may run out of muse [Muse is aterm used to define brain power or a mood that enables you to post more then you do, Also known as creativity and imagination!. Like an adrenaline rush!]. If you are museless, take a day off. We don't ask you Roleplay everyday till you are drained of creativity. The Minium when posting is 12 lines. TWELVE LINES. Or sentences. So atleast a paragraph.

No Double Posting/Spamming.

A double post basicly means you post twice. Usually means you post an IC respoinse followed by another post saying something OOC. This is considered ot be another form of spam. Spam is not allowed. if oyu need ot make an OOC comment, POST IT in your post under you work of art and put it in the following indications. [[-]],{{-}}, ((-)), //-//, \\-\\. These are the main indicators that show OOC. Sometime, by putting OOC in the brackets will help the reader also. Example : [[OOC: Raptor Jesus did this to your mom. ]] Also, no /b/ talk in IC.

Swearing and Cussing

Like a sailor! You can not cuss or over use swearing in your posts. So the post should never look like this.. Example: Fuck shit bitch roflbbq zomg I'm a fucking rofly mofo of a copter biznatches. Swearing IS allowed. We just ask you limit your coices and usage to a bare minium. After all! Whats a good fight without a good cuss!


Posting Orders.
In eacht hread you will notice a posting order, PLEASE WAIT until the last person has posted THEN make an entrence. This shows that you respect the situationa nd current events at hand and you respect your peers.

Notice: We ask all of our memebers take time to read these rules and live by them while staying with us on Beyond the Little Door. When posting, Please refrain from one lners, Mary-sues and so forth. Please check all spelling and grammer so that it is readable. Also, Mature and adult related things will have to be minimumized in posting. No videos, nuidty or exposing photos in posting, unless it is in the Maturity boards. With this, I concluded this post with a final statement: I reserve all rights to change and add mroe rules as the site progresses. You can not complain about them. If you have questions, please contact me through PM.
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